Earning public trust in Contact-Tracing Apps
How to earn public trust in the contact-tracing strategy was the policy question of the moment in May 2020. The confidence and cooperation of citizens would be essential and the earning of trust the likely defining factor between success and failure.
The best place to start seemed to be by taking the advice of trust expert Baroness Onora O’Neill who says — “…the answer is pretty obvious. First, be trustworthy. Second, provide others with good evidence that you are trustworthy.”
The article uses the Trust Drivers to explore some of the potential pitfalls the UK government may fall into and the sorts of questions citizens may ask - including:
What is the process for deciding if this is the right approach and why?
How will diverse perspectives and values sets be incorporated and what are the criteria the decision will be based on?
How will citizen’s views and values be heard and incorporated?
What’s the process for navigating all-important ethical or human rights issues — who gets a say in that? How and by whom will decisions on priorities and trade offs be made?
What is the process for designing the rules and regulations about the use and restrictions on the approach and the app? How will these decisions be enforced with those who make the apps?
Where will the evidence of the trustworthiness of the institutions, this process and its outcomes be found?
This was published on our channel on Medium. To read the full article click here