Putting people and planet at the heart of business and politics
Research and communications tools to empower individuals and policy-makers
SocietyInside has for over 20 years been dedicated to putting people and planet at the heart of business and politics, instead of simply the making of money.
Our research and creative communications aim to help organisations develop ethical and trustworthy working practices, politicians and regulators to put people first and citizens to understand how commercial drivers shape their everyday choices to increase their options for action.
We are a Not-For-Profit company Limited by Guarantee.
We are Society Inside
What we do
Our research sheds light on how to put people and planet at the heart of business and politics, and when that doesn’t happen, why not.
Creative Communications
We use creative communications – particularly through social media, film, podcasts, articles, infographics and public speaking to illustrate the problems of a profit-first approach and what can be done instead.
Involving people
We believe that the involvement of citizens and young people in particular should be at the heart of a ‘pro-society’ approach to business and politics. We involve them in our research and amplify their voices and perspectives through our communications.
Our Projects
Dismantling The Addiction Economy
“How did deliberately addicting one’s customers become a mainstream corporate business model?” was the puzzle which inspired this initiative.
Changing the debate about recreational vaping and the new nicotine economy
Vaping in the UK is only viewed in proportion to the immense harms of smoking. The explosion of recreational vaping in non-smokers, particularly young people, is overlooked.
Inspiring a ‘Pro-Society’ approach to business and politics
Exploring ways to put people and planet at the heart of business, technology, politics and regulation.
The Meaningful Engagement of stakeholders
The involvement of stakeholders is central to a Pro-Society approach - why do it and what does that look like in practice?
Earning trust and avoiding distrust
The 7 Drivers of Trust and new competencies needed to earn trust and avoid distrust in technology and regulation
Bullsh*t – why we do it
and how to stop!
Bullshit language is endemic, it obscures the truth, saps moral and erodes trust.