Dismantling The Addiction Economy

“How are cigarette companies allowed to still exist” was the puzzle which inspired this work on The Addiction Economy.  Our work historically has explored why and how companies could motivated to be ‘responsible.’  Yet curiously, a handful of mainstream industries bring immense harm to society through their business models and yet are still allowed to flourish almost unchecked.  We wanted to learn how and why this happens and what it would take to inspire politicians and regulators to take assertive action against them and support un-addiction

We will explore cross cutting themes relating to cigarettes, vapes, alcohol, gambling, ultra-processed foods, opioids,  gambling, social media and computer games and crypto-trading.  We are also running an in-depth case study on the introduction of Vapes in the UK, particularly involving young people in understanding addiction and un-addiction. 

For more go to our micro-sites The Addiction Economy and Action on Recreational Vaping (pics with links?)


The meaningful involvement of stakeholders in policy, regulation and innovation (Copy)


The meaningful involvement of stakeholders in policy, regulation and innovation