Our Projects
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Action on Recreational Vaping
Vaping in the UK is only viewed in proportion to the immense harms of smoking. The explosion of recreational vaping in non-smokers, particularly young adults, is overlooked.
How can regulation earn public trust?
“How are cigarette companies allowed to still exist” was the puzzle which inspired this work on The Addiction Economy.
The meaningful involvement of stakeholders in policy, regulation and innovation (Copy)
For an organisation to best serve the public interest, it has to know what the public interest is. The only way to do that effectively is to involve the stakeholders most impacted by the policy or product.
Dismantling The Addiction Economy
“How are cigarette companies allowed to still exist” was the puzzle which inspired this work on The Addiction Economy.
The meaningful involvement of stakeholders in policy, regulation and innovation
For an organisation to best serve the public interest, it has to know what the public interest is. The only way to do that effectively is to involve the stakeholders most impacted by the policy or product.
How can regulation earn public trust?
Supported by the World Economic Forum and funded by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft – Europe’s largest group of applied sciences research institutions this project explored how regulation can earn public trust.
Developing a Pro-society approach to innovation
SocietyInside Principles for Responsible Innovation were designed for businesses involved in creating or using technology innovation. They were developed over a period of years through a process of multi-stakeholder development and consultation.